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4 Healthy Foods to Eat to Lose Weight While You Sleep

Want a weight loss secret that is an easy way to lose belly fat while you sleep? If you make your body more efficient, it will store less fat. And you don't have to get on a calorie counting diet to make that happen. Instead, you'll just need to get a better understanding of your body's hunger cycles and sleep rhythms. Once you tap into those you'll begin burning more fat and your energy levels will start ramping up!

Research has shown our inner clocks associated with eating and sleeping cycles can be thrown out of sync with eating the wrong foods. What results is constant cues of hunger that make cravings almost impossible to resist! When you understand the natural eating and sleeping schedules of your body, you can actually lose weight and have way more energy as a result. The secret is in melatonin! You can get it naturally from foods or supplements and it will help you get a much higher quality sleep at night. Here are 4 healthy foods to eat to lose weight that will help you sleep better, and get rid of belly fat:

1. Fish

Omega-3 is really important for the production melatonin. And when you're deficient in omega-3, your melatonin levels can get really out of whack. Studies show that when we don't get enough omega-3 insomnia sets in. Not only that, omega-3 also is rich in protein. And, protein gives you the 'full' feeling. And, our body burns extra calories when its digesting protein, so you're actually burning more calories just by eating. Most fish have lots of Omega-3! You can get it naturally from sardines, salmon, and halibut. But you might also consider taking a fish oil supplement.


There are tons of reasons you should be eating nuts. But here's a big one: they are a great source of magnesium. Magnesium is also integral to melatonin production. Lots of magnesium is what tells animals to hibernate. For us, when we don't get enough it can result in seasonal affective disorder. Magnesium is very important!

For example: the USDA did a study back in 2010 that found that giving magnesium supplements to folks who had a hard time sleeping were able to rest peacefully all night. Get your magnesium from nuts, lentils, soy and black beans as well.


Calcium is still considered important for weight loss. The amount is debatable by nutritionists. But milk really does do a body good when it comes to shedding pounds. Just like magnesium, calcium helps you sleep. They work together for absorption. If you tend to wake up with cramps or muscle soreness it may be a deficiency in calcium you're looking for. It helps to relax your muscles fibers and nerves. So drink your milk! Some other sources are sardines, fortified orange juice, dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale, and tofu.


Cherries are one of the best fruits that help you lose weight. Just before bed,eat a few cherries. Make sure they're the tart kind though. They are the plant with the highest source of melatonin. Bananas and corn have some as well. But, not the high amount that tart cherries do. If you don't like cherries, drink the juice. Mix it with juices you do enjoy! A recent study showed that folks who drank 8 ounces of cherry juice (the tart variety) twice a day for 2 weeks actually slept more soundly.

These 4 healthy foods to eat to lose weight will help you get rid of your belly fat and lose weight while you sleep. If you want more great tips to lose weight you might want to grab a FREE copy of 'The Digest". Its your quick-start weight loss blueprint. Get it for free here:

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How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Weight and Maintain Your Weight Better?

To lose 1 pound you need to burn off 3500 calories. If you are at a weight and you are maintaining your weight, you can cut back your daily caloric intake by 500 pounds a day and you will lose 1 pound per week.

Most people intake between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, so taking off the 500 calories is fine. You should not try to take off 1000 calories or more a day, as it is too taxing on your body. Many of the calories you eat everyday are used for bodily function. Up to 60% of your daily calories are used for breathing, digesting, the circulatory system, organ function, and anything else your body does.

Still assuming you are maintaining weight, you can additionally lose another pound a week. If you take off 500 calories from how much you eat, then you can also burn 500 calories a day by exercising. Again you will lose another pound per week, from your current weight.

You cannot and should not use either of these methods alone and lower your calories by 1000 calories a day. If you did this with exercise you would not have enough energy for all of your bodily functions. After enough times of doing this you could become sick because of how your body reacts to not taking care of itself. If you wanted to cut 1000 calories a day from your diet, your body won't receive enough nourishment each day, and you might start plateauing when trying to lose weight. Neither of these methods is healthy, so please avoid them.

On the other hand if you want to gain muscle by exercising and lowering your daily caloric intake by eating better, you are on a much better path. Muscles will help you burn your calories quicker, while eating the right foods will feed your body so that you are strong and healthy.

The problem with taking in too many calories and exercising a lot is often, it is difficult to bypass the caloric intake that way. High fat foods are packed full of empty calories. This means you become tired, lazy and even miserable. These things influence many people so that they will not exercise, thus causing even more weight gain.

If however, you are not maintaining your weight now, you should start by paying close attention to your calorie intake. Chances are it far outweighs your daily needs for bodily functions. You can also start exercising, to take off the daily calories you are adding on. Try to stabilize your weight by paying close attention to your daily eating habits and how much you exercise. Once you know what is out of order you can maintain your weight better and then start losing weight following the advice above.

Get your free calorie burning tactics digital report now from and start improving your weight loss efforts today!

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How To Eat To Lose Weight

Losing weight is all about making changes in one's lifestyle, changes that can last for a life time. Going on crazy fad diets or intense exercise kicks are not the answer. No one can sustain them for a long period of time, generally resulting in weight gain once again. Knowing how to eat to lose weight is the key to success. There is no need to spend a fortune buying pre-packaged, diet foods or on a costly gym membership. Successful weight loss can be done independently by making wise choices. With a firm understanding of healthy eating and use of fat burning foods, people will be amazed at their success.

A great place to start is with portion control and the number of meals as a useful way of how to eat to lose weight. One effective method is to use smaller plates, such as a dessert plate or a saucer. If a person only fills a plate of that size, the portion will be more reasonable and conducive to cutting calories. Eating five smaller meals as opposed to three larger meals is also effective. A person should learn to eat when he or she is hungry and not be ruled by the conventional times that everyone eats, if possible. If a work schedule restricts the time that an employee can eat, reduced amounts on a smaller plate will still be helpful.

How to eat to lose weight involves choosing the right foods as well as using a smaller plate. Water is essential to keep the body hydrated and in keeping the metabolism rate high. It really should be the main beverage of choice, substituting it for sugary juice or soda. If soda is preferred, limit it to once a day in a smaller glass but avoid diet sodas as they actually tend to cause weight gain. A glass of wine at night has been proven to be helpful in keeping weight down and is relaxing as well. Low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt and milk, are also beneficial for weight loss while adding essential calcium to one's diet. Nuts in small portions, fish, and small portions of red meat are included in most diets that work and also provide protein for muscle building. A person should never completely cut out fats or carbohydrates. The body needs moderate amounts of each.

Fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on veggies, are a must when it comes to a plan on how to eat to lose weight. Fresh produce has vital nutrients, provides fiber, and is also filling. It makes a great snack and can be added to most any meal to supplement the meal as well as giving a body what it needs for the best source of fuel. Replacing calorie-rich desserts with fresh fruit and a little, light whip cream or making a yogurt smoothie when there is a craving for something sweet will get those pounds to drop.

Finally, how to eat to lose weight is all about moderation. Eating those favorite foods but in smaller amounts, balanced with healthy choices and a commitment to regular exercise will definitely make weight loss goals obtainable. There is no reason to completely give up those desserts or chips. Having them a few times a week in a small portion, remembering to stick to the saucer-sized serving, will allow a person to fulfill the need for a treat. It's much easier to keep one's resolve if there is an occasional reward. How to eat to lose weight is simple. By consciously choosing wisely, those old clothes will fit and it will be time to feel one's best.

To read more great information about several Good Diets That Work check out my website. Here you can find the best info about Diets That Work Fast and Healthy Diet Plans that work good for healthy long term weight-loss.

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Steps for Healthy Eating to Lose Weight

Did you know that simply by changing the types of food you eight you can lose weight? Eating to lose weight is not one of those well-known fat loss tactics and because of that, I am going to share with you the steps needed to do just that!

Over-thinking the "Cutting Calories" Issue

You see, most people are too concerned with cutting calories and eating less to think about what types of foods they are actually eating. They end up eating less of the foods that they have been eating their entire lives instead of trying to learn about healthy foods that actually can help you lose weight. There are many healthy foods out there that make eating to lose weight pretty easy.

Make a Commitment

The first step on your quest to learn effective eating to lose weight tips is to make the commitment to change. Make that "Yes, I'm going to do it" decision that you are going to change the types of foods you eat. Decide that you will replace junk foods, processed foods, and even foods you thought were healthy for the actual healthy and natural alternatives. Doing so will do many things for you such as:

    Increase you Energy Levels - Eating healthy is known to help many get higher boosts of energy. Healthy foods have a higher amount of vitamins and nutrients that nourish your body back to full health.

    Reduce Food Cravings - As mentioned above, healthy foods pack a higher nutritional "punch". Because of this, many that start eating healthy for the first time notice that they don't get as hungry as often. Often the reason is because their body is actually being fed with what it really needs. Being satisfied, the hunger pangs diminish greatly.

    Reduce the Risk of Health Diseases - Although a well known fact, eating healthy and avoiding junk foods can help reduce the risk of health issues associated with the over-consumption of unhealthy fats, excess salt, processed foods, additives, and many other health-destroying items.

Your First New Friend: Fiber

When I tell people about fiber for weight loss, they often respond that their digestive system is fine. While fiber is great for digestion and regularity, it also is great for reducing hunger cravings. If you're looking for tips on eating to lose weight, fiber is definitely your weapon of choice. Fiber makes you feel fuller after eating it and, as a result, you tend to eat less.

I have an easy experiment to prove this point. Purchase two types of bread, white bread (or "enriched wheat bread") and whole grain bread (Make sure the ingredients don't say "enriched" anywhere). Now, for one meal make a sandwich with the white bread. For another meal later in the day make a sandwich with the same ingredients. The only difference is that you will use whole grain bread instead. Now, notice the difference in your full you feel after both meals. Most likely, the whole grain will fill you up much more.

The reason is the fiber.

Many foods have fiber. In general, the more fiber the better! The really thing about using this eating to lose weight tip is that most foods have alternatives that are more natural and with much more fiber. Take a look at the list below for some standard foods and the replacements you can make.

    - Replace pastas and noodles with the whole grain variety

    - Replace re-fried and packaged beans with garbanzo beans (very high fiber content)

    - Cut out all fruit juices and eat the actual fruit in it's entirety (fruit juice has no fiber, zero!)

    - Replace fruit sauces like applesauce with the actual apple

    - Eat wild or whole grain rice instead of white rice

    - Instead of eating fries, tater tots, or hash browns eat raw cooked potatoes

    Replace regular iceberg lettuce with darker green choices such as spinach or Romaine Lettuce (Iceberg lettuce has very little fiber)

Replace Processed Foods with their Natural Alternatives

Just like it is easy to replace foods with low fiber with foods with high fiber, it is easy to replace processed foods with natural foods for eating to lose weight. All foods are made from natural ingredients. The difference between the healthy and the unhealthy choice has to do with the production of the food item. Healthy foods are left untouched for the most part while unhealthy foods have added sugar, salt, fat, preservatives, and other unwanted items.

Here is another list of items that you can switch up to start eating to lose weight!

    - Replace candies with fruits that have natural sugars

    - Instead of having donuts have whole-grain bagels

    - Replace chips with actual corn on the cob

    - Drink water or have teas instead of sodas

    - Instead of sugared lemonade, have lemons

    - Replace sugary cereals with whole grain high fiber alternatives

    - Replace packaged meats like hot-dogs with lean cuts of chicken or beef

    - Replace salad dressings with a homemade mix of lemon juice and olive oil

Hopefully you get the idea. A good way to start getting more ideas is to simply look at the ingredients of the junk foods you love. Look for the natural ingredient (usually there's at least one!) and eat that instead. Sugar doesn't count though as it's fat causing no matter how "organic" it is. Which brings me to my last point....

Be Wary of Labeled "Healthy Foods"

Many people eating to lose weight often fall into the trap of thinking that a healthy food store sells only healthy foods. This is completely inaccurate. I know many friends of mine that shop at "healthy" food stores in an effort to eat healthier only to never lose any weight at all.

Even if the ingredients are natural and organic, they can still cause weight or prevent weight loss. Sugar, for example, is a natural ingredient and many food makers use this as a marketing ploy. They'll label a food as health because it's all natural. They won't mention that it still has the same amount of sugar as the unhealthy alternative. I recommend staying away from both options!

In order to avoid these labeled healthy foods that aren't healthy, I advise to only eat foods that have minimal processing. The less processing, the more healthy it is. Even though a food could be labeled "organic ingredients", it may have many added ingredients such as "organic cane sugar" and organic vegetable oils that add large amounts of sugar and fat. Sure, they're better than the processed sugars and oils but this makes no difference when trying to lose weight.

Rick Harris has a website filled with tips and techniques on How to Lose Weight Fast []. He also runs a free newsletter which shows how to count calories, pick fat burning foods, and much more!

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Plan Your Eating and Lose Weight

Avoid Mindless Opportunities to Eat Too Much

Mindless eating is one of the biggest obstacles to losing weight. Eating healthy foods or fewer calories requires some effort and planning as opportunities to overeat are everywhere.

Restaurants offer savory foods with lots of calories. Your work environment may have a snack station or a continuous parade of pastries, donuts or snack foods. Your house may have a pantry full of cookies, chips and your freezer may have pints of delicious ice cream. And events, parties or other gatherings have an endless supply of high calorie food items.

You are surrounded by opportunities to eat foods that will break your diet or lead to weight gain. If you eat without planning or when your stomach takes over the brain, the calorie adding possibilities are limitless.

Your house is rife with mindless over-eating possibilities. Television is not the same without a bowl of potato chips. And it's less expensive to buy the big bag so you eat until you are passed full. Cooking is a great time to graze as you are hungry and the food smells good. Besides, what type of cook doesn't sample the food? You can eat your fill before sitting down for dinner.

The bread or chip basket at a restaurant invites you to eat while you wait for the main course. Better yet, your server is quick to refill it. While you are still famished you order an appetizer and the largest meal. By the time the entree arrives you are full but who wants to waste food so you do your best to finish it.

You waited too long between meals and now you could "eat like a horse." Fast food restaurants await and since you're extra hungry, why not super-size it? You devour the food before you realize half of the amount would have satisfied you.

Parties and events are great for mindless eating as you hover around the food to mingle with other guests and nimble on the appetizers. They may offer some nutritional alternatives but cheese, bread and dips are better and, even if you eat the vegetables, you dip them in Ranch dressing wasting a healthy eating opportunity.

It is easy to eat without regard to the calories if you turn off your brain and eat or let your empty stomach dictate your food choices. But you don't have to be a victim to mindless eating.

Six Opportunities to Plan and Lose Weight.

    1- Don't wait until you are hungry to decide what you are going to eat. Plan your meals before you have to eat.
    2- Eat and then shop for food. Have you noticed how good the snack aisle looks when you are starving? Go shopping when you are full and have a list of healthy foods you want to buy. Don't leave the shopping to your empty stomach or expect to have a cart full of chips, cookies and ice cream.
    3- Eat before going to parties or gatherings. If you nibble out of habit or nervousness, find the healthiest snack to eat and limit the fattening dips.
    4- Remove unhealthy foods from your pantry. You may have a mutiny at your house but can't eat what you don't have. And use whole grain, whole fruit and vegetables as snacks.
    5- Carry healthy snacks with you to avoid hunger pains and the need to binge on any food you can find. A small healthy snack will alleviate hunger and help you avoid ordering more food than you need.
    6- Think about savoring your food and eat more slowly. Chewing your food will aid in digestion and allow your stomach to report to your brain that you have had enough.

Gregg Ghelfi is founder and contributor to Fit in the Middle is dedicated to providing information and resources on nutrition, fitness and weight loss. We invite you to read our blog at and comment on the various articles. We also welcome you to submit guest blogs to

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An Exercise Plan to Lose Weight

Do you have an exercise plan to lose weight? Two excellent choices to consider are the elliptical workout and the treadmill weight loss workout. Let's compare the two kinds of workouts so you will be able to determine which exercise plan to lose weight works best for you.

An elliptical trainer workout has become very popular and actually has a few advantages over a treadmill. It is less strenuous to the knees, joints and lower back so it is very suitable for people with injuries.

It also works all the parts of your body continuously giving you a total body workout. An elliptical trainer workout is great for cardio fitness and you can get a good workout in a short period of time.

A treadmill workout is still a very popular workout today. Many people buy a treadmill so the whole family can use it. A treadmill workout is perfect for beginners because the intensity in the workout is adjustable by walking, jogging or running.

Treadmill weight loss can best be achieved by exercising within your target heart range zone. Here is how to find the right target heart rate for you.

First, you need to find out what your heart rate is while exercising after five minutes. To test your heart rate place your thumb on the underside of your wrist to locate your pulse. Count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply that number times four. That number is your heart rate.

To calculate your ideal target heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For successful treadmill weight loss exercise within 70% of your target heart range zone.

Both the elliptical trainers and treadmills help you to burn fat and are perfect exercise plans to lose weight. Exercising not only tones your muscles, but actually gives you more energy for your whole day.

You can purchase treadmills and elliptical workout trainers on the Internet as well as fitness stores. Both machines are very effective for burning fat and losing weight. Just make sure that you buy quality equipment that will last.

If you are looking to burn body fat and take off weight, these two machine can be a great help for your exercise plan to lose weight.

Fat Burning Secrets gives you lists of negative calorie and fat burning compatible foods that you can buy at any regular supermarket and fat burning exercises that can be done with or without fitness equipment.

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Healthy Weight Loss Programs

People who are overweight and want to lose those extra pounds are most likely in search of a plan or program to follow. However, healthy weight loss programs for losing weight differ, or should anyway, from some of the more, shall we say, spirited claims for losing weight.

There are so many weight loss programs out there, they have become trivialized. And a new fad diet seems to come along every day. Every form of media serves as a marketing tool for the latest craze in weight loss or fitness. Truthfully, there are many good ones. There are also some that could be downright dangerous to your overall health.

Nothing beats common sense when choosing a program. That, and knowing yourself and what sort of changes you are willing to make. Most any good program will help an individual lose weight. The trick is sticking with the program. Remember, the process of losing weight should be about long term changes that keep the weight off for good and allow you to live a healthier life. If you go through some form of dietary torture for two months and lose 30 pounds, it is doubtful you will stick with that kind of radical change for long.

The best programs seem to be those that offer education, incremental and flexible changes in dietary consumption, varied exercise routines and long term goal setting. And, people need and want to understand the process their minds and bodies will undergo while making changes. Staying motivated is a huge issue, and the more educated a person is about nutrition and fitness or how well a particular program educates the consumer, the more likely the individual is to achieve their long term goals. This is not rocket science. It is just about being a cautious, well informed consumer.

Even among the many very good healthy weight loss programs out there, each one may have systems or variations that make them good for one person and not another. Gather as much information as you can on the program, study it, then decide if it fits you and your goals. Don't rely on someone else to influence your decision. Do the necessary research yourself. Get informed before jumping headfirst into a cloudy pool!

Most really good healthy weight loss programs have quite a bit of flexibility. It should not be too hard to find one that is right for you. As in almost all other areas, we know a great deal more today about nutrition, health and fitness. Know what you want to achieve, know what works best for you, be informed and then Go! Be happy!

Boyce Henry has over 15 years researching and managing weight loss and weight loss products. To get a free report on the top diet scams, please go to

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Weight Loss Exercise Plan

Regardless of your commitment to lose weight in terms of the food you eat, exercise will be an essential part of your weight loss program. Consider the tips below for maintaining motivation and maximizing your potential weight loss by changing your exercise routine four times a year.

Consider consulting with an exercise professional four times a year and communicating your goals for exercise change pursuant to your losing weight goals. Many professionals offer three-session packages that are reasonably priced that will help you ascertain reasonable exercise changes that will yield continued positive results.

Keep track of your exercise routine change times with any calendar in order to give yourself a clear idea of start and stop dates for a particular exercise routine. Incorporate the use of a symbol such as a checkmark for the days during the exercise period that you actually exercise. Record your weight during the four times during the year to keep track of your weight loss goals.

If you are not satisfied with weight loss results at the end of a particular three-month period, first determine whether you missed more days of exercise during that period of time than you typically miss during a specific three-month period, as well as other outside weight loss factors such as holiday seasons before determining that the exercise routine did not work.

If your failure to meet your losing weight goals during a specific three-month period coincided with a time when you took a lot of days off from exercise, change your time of day for exercise during the next three month period. Consider partnering with someone else or scheduling training with someone you pay to further encourage yourself to stick with exercise for weight loss.

As you lose weight you should pay attention to toning your overall body with your exercise changes to maximize the benefits to your appearance from weight loss. Don't use the excuse of not belonging to a gym to avoid changing your exercise routine. A change can be accomplished by adding carrying light weights during a walk or by adding crunches to your routine.

If you find an exercise that you particularly enjoy, you do not have to omit that exercise from your routine when you make changes. Enjoying an exercise means that you're likelier to do it which will support your weight loss efforts. If you prefer a specific machine such as a treadmill or elliptical over a bicycle, don't remove activities you prefer but instead combine them with other activities you prefer less, such as splitting your cardio between treadmill and bicycle.

If you belong to a gym, consider trying out the express fitness routine that many gyms have in order to determine whether new machines or activities should be part of your next exercise routine change.

Your weight loss goals must be supported by an effective exercise routine in order to maintain your health. Use the tips above to incorporate changing your exercise routine four times a year as a means of maximizing your ability to achieve your weight loss goals.

Want to know more about diet and nutrition just visit there you might find what you are looking for.

Husin Abdullah has been writing a lot of articles about diet programs and losing weight for much different purpose. If you really interesting in losing weight and want to know more about just visit there you might find what you are looking for.

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Weight Loss Plans and the Pied Piper

We all have to the pay the piper at some point. As you probably remember how the story went, an enterprising young man offered to take away the rats that were infesting Hamelin. In return he was to be paid for his services, but the town folk reneged on the bargain. Not only did they lose the rats, but their children, too.

Weight loss plans have some similarities to this old fable. The way you diet has much to do with paying the piper. If you try the short cut method of starving yourself, you aren't paying and the consequences won't be as expected. If you live up to your commitment, your bill is paid up.

Ninety percent of the weight loss plans commercially advertised promise fast results without any effort on your part. The effort is part of your payment to the piper, and without it you can't expect to be successful for the long haul. You also pay by making the effort to maintain a healthy diet, not one that just counts calories.

It All Begins In Your Head

Even if you are aware of the facts, they won't do you much good if you can't get with the program. The right kind of weight loss plans will work for anyone, but that only happens with commitment. If you are not motivated, no diet will work.

Just knowing something is the right thing to do is not motivation enough to carry a person through a change in lifestyle. When you develop tendencies to sit on the couch and eat junk food, it is hard to wake up one day and change unless something motivates you.

Motivation might come from your physician, who says you are at a serious health risk if you don't lose weight. Wouldn't it be better to get started on a weight maintenance program without losing your health first?

One hundred percent of weight loss plans do not provide the motivation necessary for commitment. You have to furnish that yourself. The first change you must make is right between your ears. Without that, you won't lose the pounds and maintain your optimal weight.

Time for Reprogramming

The residents of Hamelin were stubborn, much the same as people are today. Their minds were set on getting something for nothing, and there was no change in that attitude until it was too late. You have the time beginning right now to change your attitude. You must work at incorporating new thoughts into your subconscious mind if you are to follow weight loss plans that not only work to get you to the weight and size you want to be, but keep you there.

The right motivation must carry you through until your trained subconscious mind begins to take over the reins and the lifestyle becomes habit. You must convince yourself that it will only get easier, the longer you stay with a life choice to maintain the weight you really want, because it is true.

You can pay the piper now or keep on failing to lose weight and keep it off. The choice is up to you.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here:

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Fast Weight Loss Plans Start With the Diet

Fast weight loss plans are becoming more poplar then ever. As more people are trying to lose weight they no longer are just exercising and eating healthy. Now they are following a strict schedule of when, what, and how much they should eat along with doing exercises that will work best for their bodies.

Everyone has different bodies so there will be different needs for losing the weight. Fast weight loss plans are matched to what the person's needs are. If a person is trying to lose a lot of fat off the body then this is going to take some time. It would be better to go with a plan that will give the desired results over a period of time. Losing the fat quickly would be nice but, most people fail at keeping it off once it is actually lost.

In order to be successful with losing weight stop and look at the diet. If there is an exercise agenda in place that is awesome but, there is more too losing weight then just exercising. The intake of food accounts for 80 percent of a person's success or failure. So no matter how many hours are spent exercising if there is too much or the wrong kinds of food being consumed then people will fail miserably with any fast weight loss plans.

There are fast weight loss plans out there for just about everyone. A good plan is going to ask what the favorite foods are being consumed. The plan is not going to have people eat food that is not liked or they have allergies with. Once everything is entered then the proper plan will be formulated that will fit their body. Over a short period of time the eating pattern will be changed. A person will go from eating three regular size meals a day to five small ones. When smaller meals are consumed five times throughout the day it is letting the stomach break the foods down easier. The reward is a faster metabolism so the fat is able to melt faster since there are more calories being burnt from the body then ever before.

More people are getting wise and realizing there are many benefits when losing weight and living a lifestyle that is healthy for them. In order to achieve losing the pounds they turn to fast weight loss plans. The hardest thing is keeping all the weight off that has been melted away over time. That is why there is maintenance programs set up so everyone will understand how to maintain their weight. If the person has a family they cook for then the program can help the family eat healthy when the meals are prepared. In order to stay positive make sure there is a good support system that will be around.

We have tested hundreds of weight loss programs & methods and isolated a simple, fast and safe way to lose 10lbs in 7 days or less. To discover this FREE and quick solution download our complimentary "Lose 10lbs in 7 days or less" report here:

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Best Weight Loss Plans and Programs

You're not alone. That's the number one thing to remember. Losing the weight can be difficult and can become a depressing issue for many people. Let's talk about some weight loss facts and explore some helpful weight loss tips and secrets. Did you know that obesity is increasing all across the world? It's also one of the number one contributors of heart attack and stroke. That's why becoming properly educated about nutrition and dieting can benefit you. It's important to know that the lack of proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to energy loss and depression.

One major problem for many individuals trying to lose weight is, they make the common mistake of starving themselves, Vitamins and minerals are essential if you want to be lean and healthy. Finding the best weight loss supplement or supplements is important while losing weight especially. Many people don't realize how important proper nutrition can be. Did you know you can find amazing and affordable weight loss supplements online and in most drug stores? These kinds of supplement may include: various pills, diet shakes, other liquid drinks and even powders.

The main thing you'll want to do is to talk to your nutrition professional for the best information and advice regarding the use of supplements. They can help you choose what's best for your unique body. The truth is, there are many wonderful and affective programs out there to help you lose the weight.

However, have an open mind and always hold your head high with a positive attitude. You'll need to finish your program once you start to be successful and achieve your goals. There are several different kinds of programs to help you but some of the best at burning fat and calories are most often those which require aerobic and cardio workouts. Getting the heart rate up and sweating off those unwanted fat calories can greatly reduce your body weight and boost your energy levels. You'll need to do that in order to shed the extra pounds. You can discuss this with your health professional as well to ensure you make the best decisions.

There are endless plans and programs that can help you. Did you know that many programs offer healthy eating plans designed especially for you? In many cases, the plan and the programs work together to help educate you and get the weight off. For example, a proportion class may be taught as part of your fit program. This can help you decide the proper amounts of food to take in at one time. Believe it or not, these plans can help you achieve your goals faster.

There are hundreds of effective diet plans. You can always search your dieting options. You can explore them online as well. Whether you want to try diet pills or just eating less; many turn to diet drinks and have a light dinner. Others may not change what they eat but the amount they eat. Some might decide to join a fitness club. No matter, always talk to your doctor or fitness instructor before starting a new diet or workout program.

Find best weight loss plan at the authors successful website about fitness centers.

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Weight Loss Foods to Include in Your Diet

Cayenne, from the Greek "to bite", comes from the family of hot peppers used for flavoring foods. The most important substance in cayenne is a group of chemicals collectively called capsaicin. Pure capsaicin is extremely toxic and would burn a hole right through you. Even one drop in 100,000 dilution can raise blisters on the skin. These powerful natural chemicals are new darlings of the pharmaceutical companies because capsaicinoid drugs are now being developed for a whole range of health problems.

Recent research has discovered a new receptor in our nervous system called the "capsaicin receptor." It allows capsaicin to act as a unique anti-inflammatory. The FDA has recently approved a capsaicin spray, which, when sprayed up the nose relieves headaches that are resistant to other anti-inflammatories such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Because it is made from a food, and not a drug, you can now buy various versions of this spray over-the-counter at your local pharmacy.

Capsaicin applied locally to the skin has anti-inflammatory effects at other sites in the body, remote from where it was applied. There are now creams available that contain capsaicin.

Obesity-induced inflammation contributes to the development of metabolic syndrome, which causes insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and cardiovascular disease. In one study, dietary capsaicin lowered fasting glucose, lowered fasting insulin, and markedly reduced the impairment of glucose tolerance in mice.

Capsaicin Promotes Fat Loss

Capsaicin has numerous other effects on weight control. By the 1990s, controlled studies were showing that red pepper in meals dramatically increases thermogenesis, and energy use. In the brain, it causes stimulation of catecholamines, and increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system that regulates heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. Simply, capsaicin energizes the body, but not in the same way as a stimulant, such as caffeine.

Red pepper also reduces appetite. A 2009 review of most of the controlled studies, concluded that capsaicinoids have been shown to reduce food intake, increase thermogenesis, and increase lipolysis (fat-use for fuel). The only adverse outcome is gastric discomfort, associated with taking too much too soon.

Probably the most important effect of capsaicin is that it activates an enzyme with a complicated name. In simple terms, it releases fat for use as muscle fuel, and then excretes the fat from the body. It also inhibits formation of new body fat and new fat cells. As a bonus, it also inhibits formation of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Use Capsaicin for Life

Using capsaicin is simple. Eat hot peppers in cooking and in meals out whenever you can. Change your diet to include hot salsas, curries, chilis and hot sauces. Make them a regular part of your food.

if you would like to learn more about how to lose weight permanently by using the right kind of food, without the struggle of gyms, then visit my website for more free information.

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Weight Loss Foods That Work Fast - Discovered!

Weight loss foods that work fast are one of the best weapons any of us have when trying to win the battle of the bulge. Asian women have known for generations which foods to eat whenever they want to lose weight quickly, and which food can let them drop inches in the shortest time possible. Today we're going to look at two food items that Asian women use to burn fat and shrink their waist size!

Weight Loss Foods That Work Fast - Discovered!

I'm constantly educating beginners in my weight loss program that the diet industry is constantly attempting to take their hard-earned dollars at any cost.

They don't seem to care about long term health impacts, possible complications from dangerous surgical procedures, or the lack of any FDA-approval for their products through the "herbal supplement" loophole.

Really they only appear to want to make as much money as possible no matter what the effect is.

I urge you to resist the fancy marketing and advertising that we're all exposed to, including the fake-photoshopped "before and after" pictures you see everywhere, and realize that there IS a better way to get healthy natural weight loss quickly that will actually make you look younger and your immune system stronger!

Let's look at a couple organic foods you can start using today to get the body you're after along with more energy and better health.

Use Asian Weight Loss Foods To Get Lean

1. Kale

You may be used to having Kale as just a topping or garnish, but in reality this wonderful superfood is a fantastic weight loss aid that Asian women have secretly been turning to for decades.

Kale only has around 35 calories per cup, but it has more than 1.4 grams of fiber at that serving size, which means it keeps you feeling full for much longer than most food does. And it does this while giving your body nutrients that it uses to accelerate the destruction of tough fat cells!

Kale is something you can prepare many ways, I recommend to my weight loss clients they sauté thin slices of it in vegetable broth, and top it with either lemon or orange slices. Try it!

2. Goji Berries

I love these, they are absolutely great for so many reasons but particularly for those looking to lose weight quickly.

The reason they work so well is because while they are actually very flavorful they contain a large quantity of protein...which is extremely rare in a fruit. When combined with the beta-carotene and other enzymes within their molecular structure, Goji berries are a great "one-two punch" as a weight loss food.

Mix in some Goji berries with almonds and some raisins for a great mid-afternoon snack that will keep you full until dinner while burning calories the whole time.

Just The Tip Of The Weight Loss Food Iceberg

You're not going to discover the true secret to how Asian women get so thin from just a quick article or short write-up. In order to really understand how Asian women are able to easily get their incredibly skinny bodies, even right after giving birth, requires a look at ALL of their hidden techniques and simple weight loss methods...

Let me teach you a simple and FREE method that will quickly drop 10 pounds off your belly and thighs in less than a month without any sweating. The technique is so easy that I actually recommend doing it while relaxing on the couch watching TV!

To read about this unknown secret that skinny Asian women have been using for years to lose belly fat just click on the link.

WARNING: I'm limiting this FREE eBook to the FIRST 150 PEOPLE ONLY. After that you will be available to purchase it exclusively at my online store for $19.95. Take advantage of this free pre-launch offer while there is still time by clicking on the link now:

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

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Weight Loss Foods

Losing weight with the most powerful weight loss foods is simple and very effective. That's right, there is no need to EVER take dodgy diet pills, or try strange diets. All the weight loss and health resources YOU need are provided by Mother Nature.

Some of the most successful and effective slimming products on the market today, contain some of these incredible weight loss foods. I guess, that is what has made them so successful in the first place!

In addition to this, this is also an area of great innovation. For example, technology is continually progressing for us to be able to take certain superfoods that are known to help us to lose weight in a specific format, or to be able to isolate a compound in a food. In this example, we are talking about an isolated complex, that now allows us to block 82% of the carbs we consume!

Yes, unbelievable isn't it, read down the page for details of this pound shedding breakthrough. When buying a weight loss product, it is VITAL that you know what your product contains. Always research your ingredients, and know exactly what you are buying in order to ensure the best weight loss for you!

As well as shedding pounds, you will be riding your body of toxins, burning fat and calories more effectively, increasing your metabolism, and boosting your energy. You will also be investing in your future health and your weight is more likely to stay off for good!

1. Seaweed

For nearly 200 years, we have known that seaweed is good for losing weight, and also boosts the metabolism.

However in recent research, Scientists have been able to isolate a highly concentrated and standardised glycoprotein complex derived from Seaweed extract source, which is clinically proven to reduce the absorption of up to 82% of carbohydrates.

There are now grounding breaking products available on the market that contain this seaweed complex, to block 82% of the carbs you eat, leading to dramatic weight reduction!

2. Green Tea

Green Tea is highly effective at helping you to lose weight, and does feature in many proven and successful weight loss products. It is an effective fat burner, as well as being loaded with powerful antioxidants, which flush the body of toxins. Green tea also suppresses your appetite and boosts your metabolism.

3. Acai and Maqui Berry

The Acai and Maqui berries are the most powerful antioxidants known to man! When taking an acai or maqui berry supplement, the body is overidden with antioxidants, which detox the body, clear the metabolic pathways and generally give your body a good, general overhall.

Your metabolism will increase, and your body will be working more efficiently, meaning that your body will no longer be as inclined to store fat, your digestion will also improve, so no more bloating or feeling sluggish. Taking Acai Berry and Maqui Berry is also known to boost skin and hair quality.

4. Chili

It has been scientifically known for a few decades now, that the chili (or capsicum as it is also known), is highly effective for weight loss. Chili is a great fat burner, it increases the metabolism, and also suppresses the appetite.

However, it has not been until now that the technology has been in place to enable us to take the chili in a supplement form. This has created much excitement in the media, with the launch of some ground breaking products that harness this new technology.

5. Weight Loss Foods - Hoodia

Hoodia is a rare plant from the Kalahari Dessert, which is eaten by the nomadic Sans Tribe of Africa. Hoodia is a clinically proven weight loss food that greatly decreases the appetite, and reduces calorie intake up to 2000 calories a day. It is also significantly reduces body fat.

So, there you have it, our Top 5 weight loss foods to help you lose weight today! This is just a sample of a few of our favourite foods.

Losing weight with these incredible superfoods is fast, easy and effective, and we show YOU how!

The Health Blog was formed in 2010 by Estelle Coughlan. Estelle has worked in the healthcare industry for 17 years, and started her blog to educate on the power of superfoods, especially in the weight loss market. The blog is dedicated to healthy, safe, yet effective weight loss, through the use of the world's most powerful weight loss foods.

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Healthy Weight Loss - Exercise and Diet Go Hand in Hand

Fat in the body accumulates over a number of months or years and doesn't add up overnight. To expect body to lose this fat quickly is very unrealistic but a number of people commit this mistake. Moreover, It takes great determination to lose weight which has increased over last so many years. At times people resort to heavy exercises in gyms or fitness centers and end up getting disheartened when they don't see significant change in the weighing scale.

Exercising without proper diet management is not the solution to lose that accumulated fat as is going on a crash diet. Instead making dietary modifications along with lifestyle changes and some amount of physical exercise is the success mantra. For healthy weight loss both dietary modifications and exercise should go hand in hand. It also depends on how and what types of exercises are advised and at what times of the day and what meal pattern should be followed before and after the exercise.

Unfortunately there is a big misconception amongst the masses that exercising alone can help in weight loss. Hence first thing that people do when they want to lose weight is hit the Gym but they forget to balance their dietary intake accordingly. Moreover when on exercise regimen, people tend to eat more and also end up choosing wrong options thus adding on to the reasons for failure of their weight loss program. A bottle of a cold drink or a burger might more than compensate calories burnt during exercise sessions. Although strenuous physical exercises in gym help to tone up the body, as extra fat gets converted to muscle, but the weighing scale might not show any change. This leads to people give up way to early as that constant motivation of seeing one's weight fall in the weighing scale is missing.

I always advise my clients to follow simple stretching exercises at home or walk for 30-45 minutes on a daily basis. Walking early mornings is the best and safest exercise even for patients suffering from various diseases whereas people who are completely fit cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, skipping, cycling, running and jogging are best for fast weight loss.

Moreover one should remember importance of changing his / her diet pattern when on a weight loss mission. A wholesome diet, including healthy carbohydrates, essential fats and good proteins is also very important. Diet should include green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, lean meats, egg white and curd. Also intake of natural anti-oxidants in diet through Green Tea and fruits like Strawberries should be increased. Once a routine is set, I gradually recommend cutting down on red meat, fried items, butter, cheese and junk food. All these ensure that body gets adequate amount of nutrition even when trying to lose weight.

Following are some tips on healthy eating for weight loss:

* Always watch portion sizes
* Increase number of meals to keep metabolism rate high
* Read nutrition labels on packaged foods to understand freshness and nutrient content of the product
* Foods high in sodium and fat should be avoided
* Early dinners are always good
* Drink plenty of water

In essence, weight loss is majorly dependent on maintaining some sort of physical activity along with a healthy diet pattern. There is no harm in having foods that one likes but it is important to keep a watch on the portion sizes. Remember excess of anything is bad for the body which has been designed for variety.

Niti Munjal is part of a team of Health professionals i.e. Doctors and Dietitians who work in tandem on various health and nutrition related problems. With an aim to reach out to masses and provide people with cost affective and affordable solutions, we have aptly chosen web as the medium of delivery. Our services like Second Opinion (Gynecology, Diabetes, Sex Related, Psychiatry, Critical Care, Pediatrician etc) Diet and Nutrition (Weight loss, Weight gain, Child nutrition etc) are delivered over web (email, Chat), over phone, Video conferences or Face2Face. Thus we are able to cater to our clientele based out of various cities in India as well as Gulf, Australia, UK for all of their problems. To know more about our services please visit

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Weight Loss - Exercise, Calories And Diet

When it comes to weight loss there are a number of methods that you can try. In this article we are going to cover a few of them.

Water Pills:

Some people often use water pills as a quick fix to weight loss. At first the results seem impressive when people who follow this diet go on the scales, but is this kind of method safe?

The human body relies on fluid to function properly as it helps us to keep our energy levels and blood sugar up. By removing these fluids it can affect your general health and well-being.


Some businesses sell coffee that is designed to help you lose weight. Firstly, they state that their coffee will stop you feeling as hungry as you normally would. This makes sense as the less food you take in, the fewer calories there are for your body to burn. On the flip side though, many people say that drinking coffee in itself can add quite a lot of calories, as well associated health risks that are attached to it. Also, if you have sugar or cream with it, those will also increase your chances of putting on weight due to the added calories. You need to remember that coffee is also a social drink and is often consumed with food. If you meet a friend for coffee it would be likely that you order a meal or snack to go with it which is something you may not have done otherwise.


When it comes to keeping fit the best type is one that you do on a consistent basis. A physical activity or sport that you can afford, enjoy and is inline with your level of fitness is the best choice when it comes to a suitable exercise routine. It will be the best choice because it is far better than a sport or activity that you rarely participate in and will therefore offer more benefits.

The main reasons why people give up on exercise is usually boredom, some kind of injury or inconvenience. All you need to do is choose something that fits in with your lifestyle and you won't go far wrong. Walking is a great exercise and is perfect for losing weight. This is so perfect because you don't have to plan your life around it, it doesn't require any special clothing or equipment and in some cases you don't even need to leave your home. You can get started with your walking routine right on your door step. To really benefit from this type of exercise it is good to alter the intensity during each walking session. Struggling to think of places you can walk to? Have children? Then why not walk to school to pick them up? When you go shopping, park at the far end of the car park. Just go for a simple walk around the block a number of times. Or, dust of that treadmill and put it to good use.

Sleep can also be vital as it allows your body to function properly. Same applies with your general eating habits. You need to eat healthy no matter what age you are. Eating the right foods plays probably the biggest role when it comes to increase weight loss. It isn't just down to calorie counting either, it's about eating foods that contain little fat.

Whatever you do to achieve your goals you need to do it at a steady rate and over time. If you struggle with losing weight then you can go to a special clinic that you can go to that can help with your eating habits and to achieve your desired loss.

Why not discover more secrets to weight loss and learn how to burn body fat and get fit, including a fat burning exercise routine.

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Best 5 Weight Loss Exercise Tips

If you find it frustrating or difficult to lose weight, I have some food for thought for you. Losing weight and losing it fast is not as difficult as people make it out to be. One thing for sure, you have to be determined and willing to lose weight or burn your belly fat or wherever you may have the problem.

The thing is... You don't have to stress a lot when trying to lose weight. It can be as natural as ever. I'm going to show you a few simple steps that you can follow and be on your way to losing weight the best way.

1. You need a plan. Not Just any plan. A good weight loss plan. Start slowly by cutting down things you can do without. Don't get discouraged when you see no results instantly, losing weight can take time and effort. Many people do this mistake by quitting their program after a few days because they think losing a lot of weight can happen overnight.

2. Get all the help you can get. No man is an Island and we need some sort of guidance in whatever we do. Find people who are also going through the same problem and link up with them. Join support groups and health clubs. When going through something this big. You will need a shoulder to cry on, someone to motivate you because as human beings we have little faith. It is normal to want to give up, especially after some hard weeks of exercise or diet routine.

3. Start things slow. Learn something new. Replace old habits with something new. Because weight loss can be challenging for most, what better way to replace a bad habit with a new one. A good hobby is always advisable because not only will you burn fat easy and fast. You will be gaining new experiences and skills that can make your body move in amazing ways. Try jazz, ballet or dancing lessons.etc. Do this at least 3 times a week.

4. Have amazing weekends, always do something physical on weekends, go hiking, bike riding or walks or just keep busy aground the house, don't do the same thing over and over or else you will get bored and lose interest. Check your weight at most once a week or at least once every two weeks. Don't check your weight regularly as this will not be exciting for the first few weeks because weight loss takes time.

5. Remember. Always do the things you will enjoy while losing weight. When you lose some weight. Reward yourself. Not with food. You can go shopping for the smaller size dresses or shirts you always wanted to wear, just go out and look good in public. The more you lose weight is the more you will need to exercise and the happier you will be.

Remember. Only you can make this happen for yourself. A determined body and a positive mindset is all you need to burn all that fat. You are now a step closer to achieving your goal. Just take the first step and the rest is history.

Thank you for your time, if you enjoyed this article, you ca also get more here Click Here!

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Coffee - Can It Affect Your Weight Loss?

For hundreds of years coffee has been a morning stable for weary workers looking to energize their mornings. It was not viewed with romance and it didn't have any allure besides its pungent aroma and caffeine. It was the drink for truckers and tired moms. It was sold at donut shops, diners and quick markets. It was drank straight by the hardcore, with milk by the less daring and with sugar by those who liked the effect but weren't sure about the taste. If you were European, you might drink it as a shot as Espresso or with steamed milk as cappuccino. But for the most part, coffee was a working class beverage drank to start the day or to keep it moving.

That changed 40 years ago when an aggressive, or shall we say, foolish, entrepreneur decided to make coffee cool. It is difficult to say what his spouse or friends said when he told them that he was going to open a coffee shop and charge three or four times the going rate for coffee. High end restaurants charge more but everything is more expensive at high-end restaurants. How could a coffee shop do it?

Of course, his vision changed the way we viewed coffee or at least the experience of buying and drinking coffee forever. Coffee shops are not just coffee shops anymore. They are destinations; they are statements about who we are. They are where friends meet to talk or where bloggers go to write. You don't order a small coffee, you order a Tall coffee. And you don't just order a coffee; you order a coffee with chocolate and whipped cream or an iced coffee with caramel and steamed milk. You then add sugar, lots of sugar.

What does this have to do with weight loss?

You will not gain weight by ordering coffee at these re-engineered coffee shops. Straight black coffee contains about 5 calories. The main active ingredient is caffeine. The benefits or detriments of caffeine are still being debated but it seems like the benefits may outweigh the negatives. But black coffee is so passé. People will tell you that they love their coffee but how would they know. Coffee is a carrier for milk, cream, sugar, chocolate, whipped cream or anything else you can think of adding.

These delicious additions come at a cost. They add calories. They add lots of calories. The five calorie drink quickly turns into 300 or more calories. In fact, a large chocolate coffee at one coffee shop is nearly 700 calories. That could be half to a third of your total calorie needs in one drink.

You don't have to stop drinking coffee to lose weight. But you may have to limit the designer coffees or at least order them with skim milk and without sugar or whipped cream. You may even try coffee straight. You may find that you like it that way. But I doubt it.

Gregg Ghelfi is founder and contributor to Fit in the Middle is dedicated to providing information and resources on nutrition, fitness and weight loss. We invite you to read our blog at and comment on the various articles. We also welcome you to submit guest blogs to

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Green Coffee Bean Extract and Weight Loss

Can green coffee beans really help people lose weight? According to the results of a recent 22 week study performed in India, it may be true. The purpose of the study was to find the effectiveness and safety of a commercial green coffee extract product called GCA, provided by Applied Food Sciences, Inc. out of Austin, TX.

The study consisted of 16 overweight subjects (8 males and 8 females) aged 22-46 years. The study subjects received high, low and placebo doses of the green coffee bean extract (GCA) over the course of six weeks with a two-week reprieve. All 16 subjects experienced weight loss, had decreased their percentage of body fat and had a reduction in BMI (Body Mass Index) with no momentous change in their diet. All subjects completed the program and experienced no side effects from the GCA. So far, the results are consistent with both human and animal studies in the analysis of green coffee bean extract and weight loss. Based on the results from this particular study, it is suggested that GCA could be an inexpensive nutraceutical supplement to help reduce weight in pre-obese individuals and a possible way to prevent obesity in overweight adults.

So what is it about green coffee bean extract that helps aide weight-loss? Researchers believe it's the natural chlorogenic acids and other antioxidants contained inside the coffee beans. However, in order to obtain weight loss results, the beans must remain in un-roasted "green" form. Once the beans are roasted, the effectiveness of the chlorogenic acids is diminished. GCA, the product used in this particular study, contains high concentrations of chlorogenic acids. These acids are known to have several health benefits and understood to influence glucose and fat metabolism. Chlorogenic acid, also found in green tea extract and other plants and fruits, is a natural antioxidant which slows the amount of glucose into the bloodstream after food consumption.

Other studies of green coffee extract have been conducted on both human and animals in the recent past. So far the results have concluded similar results. Obviously more research needs to be done before it is conclusive that green coffee extract is the miracle for weight loss. On the upside, however, if results continue to be the same, we can expect to see a continued flood of green coffee bean extract products to hit the market. The question being then would be which products will be the most effective and how to know the difference.

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Weight Loss With Green Coffee Beans

During 2012 particularly, there has been a flurry of media interest in the so-called 'miracle' weight loss product - green coffee bean extract. In fact weight loss using green coffee extract is the most searched issue by people researching how they can best lose weight safely and effectively.

Amid the hype, sales blurb and advertising, there is more than a coffee grain of truth in the claims and assertions. No matter what medic, layman or dieticians have to say on the subject, the equation for weight loss is really very simple. Although there are some, like Atkins, for instance, who have made human metabolism a science worthy of a triple PhD, their modus operandi doesn't work for everyone. Indeed, the high protein, low carbs diet can put pounds on with some people.

So, why should a weight loss using green coffee extract be any better than anything else that's been presented to an overweight western world? The reason is very simple. The chemistry unfolded by the green coffee pundits actually does produce weight loss in every public and private research model they've tried.

So, how does it work? The active ingredient, as the advertisers used to refer to the central plank to their pitch, is chlorogenic acid or acids. Some extract processors and pill producers major on just some - or one - of these acids and put it in a bottle. The acids abound in the unroasted coffee bean. Roast them and the fat-burning ingredients are destroyed. Yes. Fat burning is the trick.

In some humans, the body naturally takes care of excess amino acids and other unnecessary fatty substances. But for most of us, our bodies don't have the right balance of chemicals to deal with our rather large appetites. And our appetites are for hunger-satisfying fatty foods. The green coffee simply provides the chemistry the body needs to get hold of the fatty molecules and to dispose of them by burning or breaking them down so that the body can dispose of them naturally.

So, no harm done and our arteries start to breath a sigh of relief. Weight loss using green coffee extract, then, has no harmful side effects. Most producers remove the caffeine making it a pure substance inasmuch as there are no ingredients in the extract that are not needed. The acid or acids are distilled to their purest form and condensed, ready to pounce on our excess fat.

For more information from the Throovest Foundation, visit:
visit for more information and to source products via Amazon

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Weight Loss Tea: The Benefits Of Chinese Herbs

Enjoyment of a hot cup of tea and health benefits bundled into one bag is weight loss tea. Weight loss tea is one of the most appreciated health products on the market today. It contains an anti-oxidant called EGCG that is supposed to increase the body metabolism by up to 4%, act as an appetite suppressant and delays deposits of fat from developing in your body.

In particular tea helps to prevent cancers and slow down the development of certain de-generative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. It is also helpful in case of weak memory and other ailments such as itching and swelling. Another very interesting quality of tea is that it is believed to make you heart rather arteries stronger and aids to keep a glow on your face and make you look younger. So that means consuming weight loss tea will not only make you slimmer, but will also clear your skin, boost energy and will give your face a healthy, radiant and clear glow.

Tea is a 100% organic product which has its roots lying in the thousands of years old Chinese medicinal practices. It is extracted by the process of isolating powerful anti-oxidants using water or steam followed by condensation and drying. The extract thus obtained is usually in the powder form and sometimes also used in fat burning and diet pills. One more functional attribute of tea is to keep your body hydrated which makes you crave less for beverages.

Weight loss tea, sometimes also referred as green tea is specifically aimed at acting as a diuretic and aids elimination of bodily waste products. Whereas green tea is like black tea and contains caffeine which may or may not promote weight loss depending on the strength of the tea. Since it's super concentrated, it's entirely possible to consume a hundred cups of tea a day using green tea extract. Some research indicates this would completely negate any positive effects and may even be harmful.

In fact there are several types of weight loss tea and green tea could be one of those. All teas come from the same plant (Camellia sinensis), and can be grouped into four main types: white tea, green tea, Oolong tea, and black tea. Tea type is determined by its oxidation method. The more oxidization a tea undergoes during processing, the darker it becomes. Heavily oxidized tea is very dark with more flavors and more caffeine. Green tea is not oxidized. This means it has less aroma and caffeine, but it retains much more of its powerful nutrients and antioxidants.

Green tea and weight loss:

One of the more exciting and well known benefits of green tea is its ability to aid in weight loss. Along with giving you an extra energy boost, green tea stimulates the metabolism while simultaneously blocking fat absorption. In 2006, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that tea is a healthier choice than almost any beverage including water.

Pu-erh and Oolong teas for weight loss:

Oolong teas should be brewed around 90 to 100 C (194 to 212 F), and the brewing vessel should be warmed before pouring in the water. Yixing purple clay teapots are the traditional brewing-vessel for oolong tea. For best results use spring water, as the minerals in spring water tend to bring out more flavors in the tea. High quality oolong can be brewed multiple times from the same leaves, and unlike green tea it improves with reuse. It is common to brew the same leaves three to five times, the third steeping usually being the best.

Pu-erh tea is also called Pu'er tea. Pu-erh teas require boiling water for infusion. Some prefer to quickly rinse pu-erh for several seconds with boiling water to remove tea dust which accumulates from the aging process, then infuse it at the boiling point (100C or 212F), and allow it to steep from 30 seconds to five minutes.

Black tea for weight loss:

In the West, water for black tea is usually added near boiling point 99 C. Many of the active substances in black tea do not develop at temperatures lower than 90C. Lower temperatures are used for some more delicate teas. The temperature will have as large an effect on the final flavor as the type of tea used. The most common fault when making black tea is to use water at too low a temperature. Since boiling point drops with increasing altitude, it is difficult to brew black tea properly in mountainous areas. It is also recommended that the teapot be warmed before preparing tea, easily done by adding a small amount of boiling water to the pot, swirling briefly, before discarding. In the West, black teas are usually brewed for about 4 minutes and are usually not allowed to steep for less than 30 seconds or more than about five minutes. In many regions of the world, however, boiling water is used and the tea is often stewed. For example, in India black tea is often boiled for fifteen minutes or longer as a strong brew. The popular varieties of black (red) tea include Assam tea, Nepal tea, Darjeeling tea, Nilgiri tea, Turkish tea and Ceylon tea.

Herbal tea for weight loss:

The term herbal tea usually refers to infusions of fruit or herbs containing no actual tea, such as rosehip tea or chamomile tea. Alternative terms for this are tisane or herbal infusion, both bearing an implied contrast with tea.

Apart from this classification you can also distinguish the weight loss tea by their flavors or the content of polyphenols and EGCG in them. Polyphenols block formation of non-melanoma skin cancer.

Researchers have also proved the following benefits of consuming tea:


Researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago found that polyphenols in Green tea inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. These antibacterial properties also help the teeth and gums. In fact, a Japanese University found that regular consumption of tea strengthened participant's teeth and helped to prevent tooth decay.


Along with fighting the signs of aging, green tea also helps with less obvious forms of aging as well. A Japanese University study found that drinking more than 2 cups of green tea per day slashed the odds of cognitive impairment in elderly patients by 64%.


Study results reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that polyphenol antioxidants in green tea benefits suffers of arthritis by reducing the incidence and severity of the disease. EGCG protects cartilage destruction and reduces joint swelling and pain. This leads many scientists and health professionals to recommend green tea as a legitimate remedy for treating arthritis.


Catechins, the antioxidant polyphenol compounds, have been shown to have a major impact in your immune system. Research conducted by the Brigham and Women's Hospital in 2003 revealed that thiamine, found in green tea, boosted the activity of the gamma delta T cells that form part of our adaptive and innate immunity. The study followed a group of coffee drinkers and a group of tea drinkers who each drank 600ml of their drink daily. Blood samples taken four weeks later quite clearly showed that production of these anti-bacterial proteins were five times higher in those drinking tea.

So Yes! Weight loss tea can help boost your metabolism, but green tea alone cannot help you lose weight. You should follow a weight regulating diet plan also to make sure you get that desired shape and look that you always wanted to have!

Losing weight is an everyday struggle, but mandatory if you are overweight and you want to stay healthy. On my blog you'll find help by reading more about tea, such as green tea weight loss or Oolong tea weight loss. Good luck and stay motivated!

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Oolong Tea - The Weight Loss Tea

What Makes a Tea an Oolong Tea?

There are 3 main distinct types of tea which can be generally categorized as follows:

a) Green Tea: is treated or boiled following picking to prevent the leaves from oxidizing and retaining their natural colour.

b) Black Tea: is left to oxidize following picking, that's how it gets their distinctive colour.

c) Oolong Tea: the raw leaves are sun-wilted and then bruised, which exposes their juices to the air, so the leaves oxidise and start to turn brown like a cut fruit. They are allowed to oxidise only partially, giving them a rich, floral flavour. The tea is then dried fully; locking in the rich flavors that oolong tea is known to offer. Oolong's unique drying process creates a tea that has many metabolic stimulating attributes

Oolongs range from bright green and slightly fermented to dark-leafed and hearty. The greener varieties are less fermented. Oolong tea therefore comes in a wide range of tastes and aromas from teas very close in taste to green tea to those very close to black tea.

Health Benefits

Oolong tea burns over 157% more fat than Green Tea - and therefore becoming the most popular teas designed to accelerate weigh loss.

Drinking two cups of Oolong tea every day not only helps shed stubborn pounds by boosting your metabolism, but also blocks the fattening effects of carbohydrates.

Wulong tea promotes beauty and health - Oolong tea contains a large quantity of polyphenol which:

o promotes strong, healthy teeth;

o improves cognitive functioning and mental well-being;

o preventing eczema, allergies;

o clarifies your skin, giving it a healthy, radiant glow and

o strengthens your immune system.

Oolong tea endorsed by Oprah

Where Can I Get Some?

Visit where you will find the some of the finest Oolong teas, Ginger Oolong, China Oolong and Champagne Oolong.

Try before You Buy - You can always request a sample and try before you buy!

Uma Mays has over 10 years experience in telecomms project management. She has a passion for speciality tea has recently started an online tea retailer called Teaworld

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Oolong Tea - Healthy Weight Loss Tea

As most teas are healthy, Oolong tea is distinctively known best for weight loss. So if you are looking to lose some weight the healthy way and getting a rejuvenating feeling, it seems like this brown tea is just the right beverage for you.

An Oolong tea, amongst all other, is the most difficult and complicated to process. Since during the process it is partially oxidized, it is safe to say it stands somewhere in the middle of the green and black hot drink.

This special category of drink has a flavoured and pleasant taste and is very well-known for cholesterol reduction and its weight loss functions. It is known to effectively aid and promote healthy living and weight reduction.

The Oolong possesses a big amount of polyphenol which has the following benefits:

    * Strong and healthy teeth
    * Boosts cognitive performance and overall intellectual well-being
    * Clears skin
    * Strengthens immune system
    * Helps put off eczema and allergies

Drinking only two cups of the brown beverage daily can give you benefits beyond the amount you have paid for. You basically get more than what you pay for. It is indeed a wise investment for the overall well-being of your mind and body.

Where Can I Get Some Oolong Tea Goodness?

It is easy to shop and get your own choice of tea goodness without having to head out to the different tea shops. With just a convenient click of a button, you can easily order in your choice of drink and have your order delivered to you right at your door step.

You can go and browse through various shopping sites and check out all the different feeds available for sale online. You would be amazed with how many finest hot drinks there are. You can also check out all the different Oolong collections and pick one that you prefer. You can order in 4 oz, 8 oz, and up to 1 lb of your choice at a most attractive pricing. You can also indulge yourself in all the available information about the tea, its history, and all other collections under the different beverage categories.

The online tea stores have that extra personal touch as it is run by a tea enthusiast who is passionate about the product he sells and who sincerely just wants to share to the world the wonders of teas. Come by and visit from time to time as the collections are constantly updated and growing.

Vadim Naroditsky is a passionate tea lover for about 20 years now. His favourite teas are Japanese teas, Jasmine teas, Herbal teas etc. At Apollo tea house come and see his collection and easily buy tea online of your choice.

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