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Cocoa Can Help With Weight Loss?

Cocoa the main flavour ingredient of chocolate and has been found to contain two widely known fat fighters; Caffeine and Theobromine.

Caffeine is known to increase the body's energy supply through the increased metabolism of the body's fuel supplies, including fat. When used before exercise there has been proven results in increased fat loss when compared to the same exercise without the use of caffeine. Caffeine is available in a tablet form as well as in tea, coffee and Cocoa powder.

Theobromine is a nitrogen rich compound, which has a mild stimulant effect on the body, increasing energy and helping apply the feel good factor people get from eating chocolate. The chemical in Theobromine that makes you feel good also helps to stop the slight depressing effects some people find when trying to lose weight, and can help against emotional eating. Theobromine is very high in flavones which are strong antioxidants that protect the body from oxidisation, which is a good thing for anyone trying to lose weight, as the processes of using fat from energy causes oxidisation, so these flavones "mop up" the free radicals caused by the fat burning process.

It must be stated that cocoa is a high protein low fat product that is not the same when in chocolate, as most chocolates contain a high quantity of cocoa butter, the fatty part of the cocoa bean. This is then combined with sugar, and milk powder in milk chocolate. Therefore before stocking up on chocolate and thinking it will knock those hard to shift pounds off, please think again as the calories gained by eating the chocolate will probably contain more calories than those burnt by the caffeine and the Theobromine contained within. It is better to get used to the bitter taste of un- sweetened or artificially sweetened cocoa and for an extra little calorie burning punch, you could try adding in some cinnamon and ginger which are two well-known fat burners. There is a recipe below for a great tasting drink that contains ginger cinnamon and the caffeine and Theobromine rich cocoa drink.

1 tea spoon of cocoa powder

½ tea spoon of fresh ground cinnamon

¼ tea spoon of ginger

200 ml of freshly boiled water

Directions: For a smooth well mixed blend, add about 50 mls of water to the mug them mix in the powder and top up with the rest of the water. You can add a teaspoon of honey or an artificial sweetener if you need a sweeter taste.

Cocoa can help but remember it must be used as part of a calorie controlled diet and an exercise plan.

Pro-10 has a range of advanced weight loss supplements that can help shed that weight. Also specialising in sports nutrition supplements and whey protein supplements. For more details please visit or alternatively call (0)845 180 3010 to speak to a member of the team.

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