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Five Danger Signals Help Expose Weight Loss Saboteurs Inside Your Own Home

Quote: "Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully; for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else." By: Samuel Johnson

Don't be unduly worried when you read this shocking truth! The unvarnished facts reveals that lack of support on the home front is a common experience among those undertaking a weight-loss program.Why? It could be that your commitment to change poses a threat to those closest to you. In most cases family members aren't aware that their actions and words may be undermining your efforts. But whether it's on purpose of not, sabotage is something you have to tackle head-on if you want to succeed. True?

Before we exploit the gold mine inside this article, allow me to give you a quick overview. I'll bet it will spur you to read more. Deal?


Below are interesting snippets of what you are about to read. It's a kind of quick overall glance or a curtain raiser. In short these are the important signs to watch out for:

• "It s All about Me"
• "Boob-Tube Snacker"
• "Bag of Goodies"
• "Out to Lunch"
• "I Didn't Authorize This"

Are you now curious to find out more? I hope so. Let's continue! Right?

Saboteur Type No. 1, The "It s All about Me" Saboteur.
You probably can see the point of this one right off. This happens when your hubby and kids turn up their noses at your healthy, low-fat meals and expect you to fix separate "non-diet" meals for them. For starters, know that as a wife and mom, you're not obligated to always take care of everyone else. Although you have duties, you also have rights including the right to take good care of yourself.

Next up!

Saboteur Type No. 2, The "Boob-Tube Snacker" Saboteur.
To paraphrase this saboteur type, it is a normal that when every night, your husband habitually sits in front of the television wolfing down snacks. It's really common and really difficult to put a stop to. Maybe your munching has been a couple's activity. Now only he's allowed to snack, but you're so tempted. Try inviting your husband to join in an alternative nighttime activity. If he can't be diverted from his TV chow-down session, let it be. It's important to recognize that he's making his choice and you're making yours, and that's fine.

Let's give a loud shout to saboteur type number three! Shall we?

Saboteur Type No. 3, The "Bag of Goodies" Saboteur.
Let me re-state yet again. Picture this situation. Your husband and kids bring home fattening treats. Your family may see you struggling to lose weight and think that they're making you feel better by offering you sweet temptations. They want to rescue you. Make it clear to everyone that you don't want food around that can wreak havoc with your weight-loss goals. In some cases, words alone may not suffice.

By the way are you still with me? If 'Yes' let's continue! Why wait?

Saboteur Type No. 4, The "Out to Lunch" Saboteur.
Yes, you have read the above right! Imagine this. Your family complains that you won't go to fast-food joints or favorite restaurants with them. This problem has to be worked out together. In a joint therapy session, the woman must tell her husband how important it is to her to steer clear of high-fat fast food. The husband will ultimately reveal that his real gripe was that he didn't want to lose weight or be deprived. Both must agreed that he could still go to fast-food restaurants but he'd have to do so without you.

This last saboteur type will knock your sock off your feet. Or a woman her stocking too!

Saboteur Type No. 5, The "I Didn't Authorize This" Saboteur.
Correct me if I am wrong! Sometimes, your family acts confused when you head toward the door for your workout. The problem may simply be one of scheduling. Your husband says fine to your exercise program, and then balks when he realizes that it conflicts with his poker night and that you won't be available to watch the kids. Solution? Schedule your exercise session. Sit down with the whole family, calendar in hand, and negotiate days and details.


This tiny report on the five danger signs to help detect the weight loss saboteurs inside your home, can be distilled in a shiny nutshell Below are the key points. Firstly, "it s all about me". Secondly, its the "boob-tube snacker". Thirdly it's the "bag of goodies". Fourthly, the famous "out to lunch". And lastly "i didn't authorize this". Does that sound easy to remember and practice? You bet!


My only conclusion is a few words of praise to you. I congratulate you for gaining this knowledge and this is power. I know that some of the material in this article was sensitive but you are stuck with it. That shows how much you want to succeed. Need I say may more? I guess not! Period!

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