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4 Top Tips For Eating Healthy At Work

For many of us the working day can often be a tricky obstacle to get around when it comes to good weight loss eating habits. At home it can be simpler to stick to sensible eating guidelines as we rarely have limitations such as set eating times, the variety of foods available and how we prepare them.

The workplace on the other hand can be a totally different situation though as often you have to eat when you're told (regardless of whether or not you're hungry) you can only fit so much food in your handbag and of course not many of us are lucky enough to have a hob or grill in the office staffroom to whip up Ramsay-esque dishes before the dinnertime bell rings again!

The following are my top tips for helping you make sure you eat the healthiest, easy to pack and simplest foods to keep your weight loss train on track.

1) Buy a cool bag - This will enable you to keep foods that may otherwise have to go in the fridge; under your desk. This is great if you don't have a fridge at work or it tends to be full to the brim. Tesco sell these nice and cheaply.

2) Aim to tick off all three of the food-groups every time you eat. This means protein, fats and carbs at every meal. Ideal protein sources would be pre-cooked chicken breast, turkey, hardboiled eggs. Fats would be coconut chunks, avocado, or a small amount of nuts such as almonds or walnuts. For your carbs keep it to fruit and veg. Perhaps some carrot sticks with a leafy green salad followed by an apple.

3) Take enough to keep you satisfied - There's nothing worse than having your weight loss progress de-railed by too many visits to the office vending machine for a chocolate coated flapjack. Pack a little extra of everything just in case. Better to have to much rather than too little; you can always have it the next day.

4) H20 - Now I know I'm probably stating the obvious here; but keep a one litre glass bottle of water on your desk. The majority of the time we think we're hungry it's actually thirst. So just keep sipping at the clear stuff all day and hopefully you'll forget where the vending machine is.

So give these four tips a go and you should be able to build the fortress that is your healthy eating plan and hopefully you'll never look back.

Jonathan Pittam is a Fat Loss expert, Personal Trainer and Speaker from Coventry, West Midlands.

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