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Slimming Success - 5 Top Tips to Achieving the Motivation for Effective Weight Loss

If motivation to lose weight was easy to come by, we would all be healthy, fit people with an ideal body weight. Slimming down takes effort so let me help you with some useful tips to get you started.

Finding your 'Hook'!
Ultimately, it's up to you to find out what factors will not only help you get motivated, but will keep that motivation going. Every one of us has a desire, a reason, and an unspoken goal that drives us to achieve anything important. I call this my 'hook'. You need to find your hook!

    Is it a deep desire to be able to wear your wedding rings - which don't fit you anymore because you are overweight?
    Is it the goal of playing ball with your kids in the park without feeling out of breath and embarrassed when you run?
    Is it the secret wish to be able to feel sexy and desirable once more when you go out with your friends - instead of feeling like a 'splodge' in the corner of the room?

Life seems to creep up on us so easily. It's very easy to become complacent and believe that you (or someone you care about) will never become ill or disabled due to being overweight, until one day something happens... , and then it may be too late!

Some Health Facts you Should know

    80% of type II diabetes is related to obesity
    70% of cardiovascular disease is related to obesity
    42% breast and colon cancer is diagnosed among obese individuals
    30% of gall bladder surgery is related to obesity
    26% of obese people have high blood pressure

The USA has the highest obesity rate in the world. Stats indicate that 31% of adults are now obese, with annual medical costs as high as $147 Billion in the USA. Britain is not immune to this obesity epidemic. Two-thirds of adults and a third of children are either overweight or obese. Britain's obesity epidemic is costing over £7 billion a year in sick days and treatment of the effects of obesity including diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

5 top tips to kick-start your new slimming regime
While managing calorie consumption is a significant part of the slimming process, how you choose to achieve this is important to your long-term success.

Remember - what works for some people may not work for you? For instance, if you don't like olives, a diet that hinges on eating olives isn't going to work for you, no matter how popular it is with other people or how many pounds they've lost.

Think about the reality and practicality of your chosen method. You can't eat soup for the rest of your life. And you just won't want to fast two days a week every week, forever!

Finding the best way to lose weight isn't easy. Sometimes, you have to try several different products, plans and methods before you hit on one that feels natural. Whatever method you choose it has to be a natural fit for you - something that you are comfortable and motivated to stick with.

There are many slimming products on the market and only you will know what works well with your body. Choose a product and/or a plan that you feel you can live with in the long-term, for example:

1. Exercise - 'Oh No!' I hear you groan!
Exercise has many health benefits as well as assisting you with your long-term weight loss goals. Listen to your body and take care as you experiment with products, diets and exercise plans. When you're losing weight steadily and feeling good, you are on the road to success!

For instance, if you enjoy dancing think how much fun you'd have going to a dancing class, or taking your dog for a brisk walk. When you realise that exercise doesn't have to be a chore, but rather some form of physical activity that you can enjoy, you'll find the motivation much easier to achieve.

2. Grab a Buddy!
Another great way to maintain your motivation is to find a like-minded friend to exercise with. Take a class together, join a gym, or just go for walks. Having a buddy can make all the difference. You won't want to let them down, and the mutual encouragement and support will help you keep going when your resolve starts to slip!

3. Slimming Products
Slimming products such as specialised prepared foods, pills, potions, patches, drinks and diets can provide just the structure and convenience you need to boost your motivation and start your journey. This may be a convenient way to ensure you get the right amount of nutrients without the hassle of calorie counting, or preparing your own carefully measured meals. People with busy lives could find this a helpful boost to losing weight. The only caution I would apply is this:- if you want long-term benefits with maintained weight loss, ultimately you will need to adjust your diet and exercise routine.

4. Being Realistic!
Try not to put yourself under pressure by setting up an unrealistic time frame. Don't wait until a few weeks before a wedding, or vacation to start losing weight. If you do, you could just be setting yourself up to fail. It is likely to be impossible to meet your goal and once the event comes and goes you may start to lose your motivation.

5. Find Your Hook!
Motivation is all about finding your 'hook'! Make a commitment to yourself - you deserve it. Your weight loss programme is a journey that will take you to your ultimate goal of losing weight permanently and finding the motivation is key to your ultimate success.

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