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Get Slimmer With These 15 Top Tips

Get slimmer without a diet... without a lot of effort... can it be? Yes, according to a host of experts who were asked to supply their best tips for effortless weight loss. The good news is that by making some small changes in your day-to-day routine you'll have tapped into one of the best, most effective ways to lose those extra pounds. In fact, you can drop anywhere from 5 to as much as 20 pounds by trying one, or more, of these little effort needed tips.

1. Clean out your pantry. Replace the things you normally over-indulge on, salty snacks or ice cream, with healthier, low fat snacks like roasted sunflower seeds or a good-tasting, good-for-you cereal. Once it's easy to make better choices, you'll do so automatically, and drop weight too.

2. Improve peanut butter. Here's what you do... choose of the natural varieties and get rid of the oil that sits on top. By doing this you take 20 calories from each serving, reduce fat by 2-3 grams. Changes like this can easily add up to two or more pounds over the course of a year.

3. Seek out the crunch. Load your plate up with crunchy, delicious foods like apples, carrots and whole grains. Not only do they take longer to chew, the fiber they contain means your body works all that much harder in order to digest them, burning more calories. Eating like this can up your calorie burn by 5% all through the day.

4. Enjoy popcorn. Low fat popcorn has up to five times more fiber and just 90 calories in six cups so you'll be full and satisfied after you eat it. A study has discovered that when women brought their daily fiber consumption to 24 from 12 grams, they absorbed 90 fewer calories each day. This alone adds up to nearly 10 pounds a year.

5. Switch things up. Put a small amount of seasoning (salt) and butter on the bottom of your foods instead of the top. Sounds strange, but this causes the flavor of the food to hit your tongue before anything else. You taste more, and end up cutting out the excess salt and butter that cause all the trouble when it comes to weight loss.

6. Keep cooking simple. Focus your efforts on preparing wholesome meals and you'll be eating better, losing weight without feeling like you're making a big effort. For breakfast try yogurt and fruit, for lunch a soup and a tuna and walnut salad, at dinner, 3-4 ounces of chicken/fish, some vegetables and a portion of fruit. Use butter or healthy olive oil as desired. Eating this way all the time means you don't have to deny yourself of little taste luxuries.

7. Use smaller glasses for wine. By cutting back this way, you'll reduce calories without sacrificing the taste and enjoyment of the wine itself. Most wine glasses now are these gigantic goblets, so they can hold 6 ounces (1 servings) without a problem. That means two glasses each night is closer to three servings of wine, adding 300 calories to your total for the day. Go for a smaller, 4 ounce size glass and drink wine a few times a week rather than every night. This could help you lose in excess of 20 pounds over a year.

8. Eat in slow motion. Make sure you are the last to start eating, the last to finish the meal. This forces you to slow down, to chew and really taste the food rather than inhaling what's on the plate (and then some). By eating more slowly, you'll end up taking in less calories at those meals... and drop weight as a result.

9. Use a fullness scale. Stop eating when you reach a level of no more than 6 on a fullness scale of one to ten (1 is starved, 10 is just after Thanksgiving dinner full). By stopping at this point, chances are in 20 minutes you'll feel even fuller. This works especially well at celebrations or on vacation where it might save you hundreds of calories you really don't want or need.

10. Cut back on eating out. Or, if you can't, at least switch up your fattening, sauce laden order for something that's healthier. And keep the dressings on the side so that you can control how much you use.

11. No nighttime snacks. Cutting out the after dinner snacks is an easy way that can help you drop 5 pounds over a single week. Think about what you do at night, munching junk food while watching TV, and you can see how it's so easy to eat a meal (or more) worth of calories without even realizing. If you're hungry before bed, try eating dinner a bit later - a portion of fruit at 3:00 pm, a cereal bar at 5:00pm, then dinner at 7:30 pm. This should keep you full throughout the evening.

12. Adapt how you dress. It's a novel approach, at the next party you go to, carry a clutch bag instead of an over the shoulder style bag - you'll be able to hold the clutch and a glass, but it will be a lot harder to manage a plate of calorie laden hors d'oeuvres. Another suggestion is to wear form-fitting clothing - to remind you of the consequences of over eating at the gathering.

13. Dance. Fast tempo dancing is a fun activity that you can do at home, or in a club with friends. In an hour of dancing you'll burn 400-500 calories - equal to a light jog... but with a great beat and a lot more intensity.

14. Play hard. Make exercise a part of everyday life... go skating with friends, make a snowman with the kids, shovel the walk. Look for ways to be active as often, as intently as possible, and remember to have fun.

15. Switch up your workout. Tackle the next set up of weights than you're doing regularly, or add backward walking or one-minute bursts of sideways shuffling to your workout routine. Shaking things up challenges your muscles and works them at a lot of different angles while also improving your balance. You'll be toned and burn lots of calories too.

Make one, or more, of these easy, little effort changes and you're likely to see big results... both in your ability to get slimmer and how you feel.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more suggestions on how to get slimmer, while still enjoying tasty and satisfying meals.

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