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Top Tips For Getting in Shape Without Dieting

Losing excess body fat is easier than it appears to be. Whilst ingesting less and working out more looks pretty easy to do, as individuals you are always faced with the situation of either ingesting too little food and being plagued by hunger pangs and a weak metabolic rate or working out non-stop only to find hours later that your hunger is forcing you consume everything you have lose.

If any of the above overview sounds like you, then the upcoming techniques constructed by leading dieticians can help you to lose those excess lbs without having to make major modifications to your diet.

1. Consume soup before a meal - whether you'd prefer to do this before lunch or tea, studies point to the conclusion that ingesting a half a can of soup 30 minutes before your chosen meal can help you to consume less. The key is to consume it quite warm so you eat it slower as this will help your body to absorb its nutrients it more efficiently - thus boosting your metabolism - and more importantly trick your brain into believing you are full. NOTE: do not consume a cream based soup as this will be higher in calories and fat.

2. Don't eat a lot before bed - there is more to losing weight than monitoring your calorie intake and burn. The types of meals you consume can also impact on your weight. Trials by dietician Fugh-Berman suggests that ingesting sugary snacks such as a take-away up to 30 minutes before fall asleep can lower your calorie burn and boost fat storage during the night.

3. Pretend you live in the city - it is a well-known fact that people from the city are less prone to weight gain than those who don't live in the city due to their regular levels of 'accidental walking'. From walking a few blocks to grab their dinner to running a physical task, accidental walking can easily be included into your schedule and fortunately for you barely feels like exercising.

You don't have to be a city dweller either. Simply make the decision to use stairs instead of lifts, to parking a couple of streets from the store so you have to walk or spring clean your house more and all this unmonitored walking will help you to experience to increased calorie burn.

4. Add some chili - if you enjoy eating chili in your diet, then this trick is one to add to your dietary programme. Studies have found that chili has got craving reduction capacities that can help you to reduce your appetite. Endeavour to add up to a tsp - depending on your preferences - to your diets.

5. Limit your drink consumption - the beverages you ingest can add hundreds of of calories to your diet on a daily basis without you even realising it. A coffee for example contains over 260 calories, so be aware of what beverages you are drinking and bear this in mind when monitoring your calorie intake.

6. Try a slimming pills- if you want extra support for your weight loss, then experimenting with a dietary supplement such as natural appetite suppressant Proactol into your weight loss plan can help. Medically proven to bind with fat to reduce your dietary fat intake by 28% whilst reducing your food cravings, the soluble and non-soluble fibres within this supplement can help you to the sugar cravings established by dieting and ensure that you always in control of your diet.

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